Monday, November 15, 2010

Legal Help is a Call Away

If you ever are in need of a criminal defense attorney and I certainly hope that you aren't because that would mean that you've gotten yourself somehow into a buttload of trouble--then you'd be lucky to live in San Francisco and have access to a good one.
But hopefully that scenario will never play out because I know that you are a good person and a careful one and that you stay out of dark alleys and tend toward safe situations. Of course there are times when no matter what one does, one is going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and is going to be framed for something that they didn't do or have any control over just like that movie with Daniel Day Lewis called, "In the Name of The Father". It is in this movie where Daniel does time for a very long time in an Irish almost ten years or something crazy like that. Until they find out that he's actually innocent.
And the movie raps up with his vindication and all is well..of course except for the part where he just lost over a decade of his life inside prison walls. And that sucks. Cause he didn't have a good attorney.

What's in a Wedding?

What's in a wedding? Well let me count the many many many details. There are copious things to consider. Of course let me begin with the obvious: the dress and reception. The booking the chapel or the temple or the venue of choice whether it's a backyard or a community building or else a historical site or boat or horse and pasture (yes, you heard me) I've been to all types of these events and nothing could really surprise me.
And there's the menu for the luncheon or the breakfast or the wedding feast or all three, whatever is the case and depending on ones culture. And then lest we forget, the wedding programs listing the order of nuptials and the invitations and also the very important, extremely crucial detail called music because what is a wedding without it? And all of these things are just the tip of the iceberg because there are the finite details like the fittings and the photographer and the cake and the guest book and the speeches and the whole thing just gets me really excited about throwing a wedding for one of my girls and I can't wait to help her work out all of these details. And that's not even the half of it.

It's Only The Most Important Day of Your Life

When I think of a really rewarding design career I often think of layout and card design. I like the look and the detail of designer cards and the way that they are so thoughtfully planned and laid out. I'm a romantic-and that makes me a huge sucker for lovely font.
And interesting cut-outs and embossing and monograms etc. I love custom made so much, I'll take it all sight unseen. In fact I'll take two of everything.
So it goes without saying that if I could have a fun design career and do something quite competently, then it would be creating the loveliest wedding programs in the world. I'd take absolute pride in my craft. I'd try to give my customers more than a program. It would be more like a quality, well thought out and executed personal souvenir of the most important day of their life.
You might think it's hyperbole but I swear with every fiber of my being that it's not. It's just the kind of girl that I am.

Savannah is my Kind of Town

There are plenty of things to do in Savannah Georgia. And that's not just counting eating the freshly poured pralines at the shops along the river. It's not even including, seeing all the historical spots that appear in the book, : "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". Or visiting Forrest Gumps bench. Or taking a night tour at all the haunts along the city ghost tours.
There are other things to do. Like for instance, eating great, fresh seafood. And just walking between the cool t-shirt joke shops and enjoying people watching. There's a pretty good shopping district too. And the hotels which are situated along the river front are wonderful spots for gorgeous site seeing.
Savannah is an artsy town with a lot of galleries because of the presence of SCAD-that's Savannah College of Art and Design which is pretty big business in that area with a lot of talent painting, drawing and computer generating their way to degrees and a creative livelihood. It's a really fun place. And oh, did I mention that it stays pretty warm year round? Enough said.

Tour City of the Dead

If you want a seriously good Halloween scare or really anytime of year frightening experience, then do yourself a huge fun favor and take one of several year round Savannah ghost tours available. They're super fun and they only run about an hour and a bit. Many of them run on through the evening up until about midnight when all of the city is dark and quiet which really enhances the experience.
Many people visiting Savannah, just go because they want to see real antebellum architecture and Spanish moss in those trees. They want to walk along the river and take in some Southern cooking or else enjoy a nice meal or two of genuine Southern seafood. They're big fans of Paula Deen or perhaps they're just dropping off their child at SCAD for the semester. (For those who don't know, Savannah is home to the biggest art and design school along the southern seaboard)
But many of these tourists and visitors don't know that Savannah is also dubbed the city of the dead.
There are more graveyards there than I've seen in any city of that size. I mean Savannah's not huge and it's pretty creepy at night.

Ghost Touring Savannah Ga

When in Savannah Georgia and particularly during the hallowed month of October it is highly recommended that you take a little time out of your busy, party-like existence to settle down and book one of several night time ghost tours.
See, I went to Savannah only a couple of years back, with my girls who were just pre-teens and teens and we booked one of these things. And it was only about $10 per person. And we only had to wait for about an hour or so to be ushered onto the bus by a seemingly crazy person/witch and enjoy a midnight tour of the town with an experienced guide at the driver's seat who proceeded to tell us about every freaky story that ever happened in the city.
And some of those were freaky. The city of Savannah seems to have ghosts and they seem to live in the trees and in the narrow lanes and cobbled streets and in the corridors of some houses we were lucky enough to tour. There was a lot of crazy stuff that's happened through the years. And plenty of unsolved mysteries surrounding peculiar deaths within one family or another.
It wasn't too creepy and it wasn't too long. It was just right for a little midnight fun.

Be Your Own Best Boss

If you'd like some work at home tips, don't look at me. Because I've got none. Nada. Yeah, it's true. I just don't have any experience about working from home. Oh, ask me anything about scrubbing toilets, cleaning a fridge, vacuuming out a car, sorting an attic, scrubbing out shirt stains or organizing a closet, and I've got it pretty much under control with lots of advice.
But see, I've been a domestic creature for many years and I've had many domestic experiences but none of these experiences at all include doing work from home. I've had plenty of work in home and that has been more than enough to keep me busy over time.
And yes, as a matter of fact it is kind of nice being your own boss, because you can allow yourself to take breaks whenever you like and to treat yourself to lunch out and to have nice little pep talks whenever you want and to take vacations as needed or a personal day--a day where you just lie in bed with a good book and decide that you don't really want to do anything but eat and read.
Yeah, we all have days like that every now and then and the key is to have a great boss (yourself) where you don't have to explain why. Because sometimes you don't have any reason.